The Spectator And The Spectacle
The way they speak of 'him' and 'her' felt so right... left me feeling like a novice. Or perhaps a non-partaker, to be more precise.
It felt real because they were imperfect aesthetically but had the pefect human touch. I suppose I need to learn to accept that little nugget of truth before I can make some sense of this big Who's Who? puzzle. Till then, there is always trusty imagination to rely on.
Something's on your mind,
Listen to no other,
They could be unkind.
Take life between us,
Live it like we choose.
They'll never see us,
I'll wait here till you come.
Frustration, argh.
"Enjoy your coffee!"
For I have better manners den a certain caoangmoh, and to avoid a situation of the pot calling the kettle black, I shall hereby vow not to bitch about my encounter with an alarmingly ridiculous human being. You may, however, approach me personally for the details of this episode involving a horribly rude person!
For now, this shall remain as a intimate joke between Nini and I. :)
Death Awaits
To Do:
1. Individual report for Money & Banking
2. Mug for three mid-terms coming up next week, one of which primarily involves rigorous revision of differentitation, integration and gang.
3. Prepare draft for a group project
4. Complete endless hours of tuition.
Not that I am actually whining or wanting to whine. I have a feeling my life's going to be disconcerted by hiatuses of last-minute cramming/crashing likely to last till, at best, the end of the coming week. (Xizzy, seems like bai nian will be to be put on hold.) :(
Let me reaffirm my belief for the ROBOT that sat for the As for me. Where the hell are you, mindless slave driver! Come back, bitch.
God Made The Queen
This was the picture published in Time that prompted me to dig up more of Kate Moss' illustrious photographic achievements. It is clear that her beauty is exemplary, though not necessarily tangible or predictable. Whoever said flowers will always trump weed?
May the Underdogs always remain understated. I'm with you, for sure.
California Dreamin'
I knew it - the motive of scheduling Chungking Express to be screened this week. Why? It ties in with the period of L.O.V.E of course!
And I like the movie so much I'm afraid the rest of LT9 will fall in love with it too. Fan's paranoia. Screw commonness and banalities. I fell in love with Faye and the film 13 years ago. I'm amazed by how long this love has been preserved. 13 years on, it feels almost as familiar. Like canned pineapples maybe?
Shhhhh. Let's keep this a secret.
...wear Granny clothes and peddle snacks to random people while dancing to The Mamas and Papas too...
If you extend the expiry date to 10, 000 years, then the in-between won't matter in this context of finiteness. May it be, because this shouldn't be about dates/numericals.