Chocolate Elvis
Seven days in sunny June, Long enough to bloom.
Elvis was made of chocolate, sideburns included.

Magic Mantra
If you keep a Goldfish in the dark room, it will eventually turn white. Women blink nearly twice as much as men. So, step out without blindfolds and wear mascara.

January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007


Monday, May 14, 2007

This Will Be The Last Time

Don't kick me, but blogger's been acting cranky. I'm off to some other place where things are aligned automatically. Click on Flight 602!

when everything else is au fait

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

More Birthday Candles!

A good friend is like a successful brand marketed by fate. You instinctively associate them with unique, endearing personality traits, those that possibly only make sense to you but are somewhat inexplicable if you were to find actual words to describe them.

Rather lengthy introduction to the May baby huh. Anyway, here's to my dear friend of seven years who stuck with me through silly OBS cheers, faithfully random letter exchanges, shittypaininthebigass projects and of course, countless moments of both tears and joy... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PQ! :)

And why didn't anyone tell me about the amazing (oops, geek) function that Sony cameras have! Multi-burst, ie. multi-lens lomo-ish. This is E.X.C.T.I.N.G.

I'm gonna name this "Congruency" (yes it's O level Math, don't ask). If you look really closely, you'll see how Clara's skirt swishes around very, very subtly. Start with the top left corner and go down the row and in similar fashion for the next few rows. On the camera, it's shown in a slow-motion video format, but the pictorial format is nice as well. The most amazing thing? All these lomo-like shots were "accidentally" taken. I'd unwittingly switched the camera mode apparently and this is an example of what turned out to be kinda... artistic. Uhm, at least for a toilet backdrop's standards. Good job, Clara! Even though I'd hoped that it was really Wong Kar Wai who possessed my camera for that night. Hahh.

And this is here generally because it commemorates a very blessed day of shopping. Slouchy yet well-cut dress made of respectable (information provided by Yun, to an otherwise ignorant me) material, in the favourite shade of my favourite colour, complete with an almost 50% marked-down price tag! Can any other tragic, compulsive shopaholic with no budget get this lucky, this number of times in just one retail arena? I don't think there can be a better Gal-Dress relationship.

That's right. I have relationships with CLOTHESSS. So shoot me, I'm a polygamist. I'll do blue jersey tomorrow and yellow checks the day after. Monochrome, if I'm rushed for time. :)

when everything else is au fait

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Her Prerogative.

At the risk of appearing like an overzealous fashion slave or a lesbian coming out in the open, ladies and gentlemen, I present you Miss Snejana Onopka.

I tried and tried not to obsess but just could not help myself. Understand that her look is not instant gratification for us mere mortals. Stare a little harder and longer. Snejana will convince you she's going to take over the world.

Even if she once declared she would like to "walk down the runway to Britney Spears' 'My Prerogative'", take this pinhead SERIOUSLY. She has a name both you and I can't pronounce.

Isn't it amazing how different the various breeds of human beings those 23 pairs of chromosome can produce... Dear science, I'm in awe.

when everything else is au fait